Snoring is not a good reason to get a divorce! The problem with snoring is that it leads to sleep deprivation which leads to mood and health problems which then end up leading to divorce if the snoring is not solved. There are simple solutions to snoring, like an oral device or a sleep study/C-Pap and it should never be a reason to get a divorce!…
Since I have already had problems in my marriage from snoring let me show you how to get snoring out of your life. Before we get to the solution, lets answer some other questions first…
What is Snoring?
Snoring, while sleeping, occurs when the throat muscles relax, and the tongue falls backward. When this happens, the throat becomes floppy and narrow, leaving only a little space for air to pass through.
At this point, the walls of the throat walls will begin to vibrate anytime you breathe. The noise of snoring itself is caused by the vibration of the soft palate and the soft uvula dangling from the back of the mouth. As most of us are aware, the vibrations are generally more noticeable when you breathe in (inhale) as compared to when you breathe out (exhale).
The thinner your airway, the more pronounced the vibration will be, and therefore the louder you will snore. At times, the throat walls can completely collapse, leading to a total blockage. This is a medical condition known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This is considered to be a severe condition that requires immediate medical attention.
What Causes Snoring?
The actual cause of snoring is something entirely different from how snoring occurs, and it usually varies from person to person. Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes of snoring.
The Mouth Anatomy: This is the major cause of severe snoring. Individuals with low, thick, soft palates usually have problems with narrow airways. Also, individuals with elongated uvula will tend to snore regularly. The uvula is the triangular piece of tissue that hangs from the soft palate. Such elongated uvula can obstruct airflow, increase vibration, and result in louder, more frequent, more consistent snoring.
Obesity: Overweight or obese individuals tend to have an extra accumulation of fatty tissue at the back of their throats. Naturally, this will narrow the airway and lead to regular snoring.
Sleep Position: Snoring can also be caused by your sleeping position. Some sleeping positions apply more gravity and/or more pressure on the throat or certain parts of the face or neck. Sleeping or lying on your back will cause the base of your tongue to relax and fall back more easily which also blocks your airways, again, causing snoring.
Nasal Issues: Chronic nasal issues, deformations, or blockages can always affect your breathing and bring about snoring.
Sleep Deprivation: How often do you sleep? Sleep deprivation can lead to deeper sleep which increases the relaxation of the throat and breathing muscles. Thus, leading to an increased chance of snoring.
Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol is a relaxant and sedative. It can cause the throat muscles to relax more than normal. This cause of snoring is prevalent among individuals that consume too much alcohol before bedtime.
Smoking: Everyone knows smoking is bad for you in general, but it can also cause dryness and inflammation. Both factors can result in narrowed airways that lead to snoring.
Side Effects from Medication: Some medications are taken to relax the body. However, these medications can also cause your throat and nasal muscles to relax in the same way that alcohol or sleep deprivation can. The result? You guessed it – more snoring.
Pregnancy: While not permanent, pregnancy can cause obesity or inflammation in the airways and be a significant cause of snoring for women.
Deviated Septum: A deviated septum is usually acquired at birth but can also occur due to an injury. Just as all other causes do, a deviated septum narrows the airway and often causes snoring.
Sinus Congestion: Sinus congestion is generally caused by allergies or illness. Nonetheless, the congestion narrows your airway, thus, making you snore while sleeping.
Possible Solutions to Stop Snoring

In order to effectively stop your snoring problem, it may be necessary to make certain lifestyle changes or use snoring devices while you sleep. Here are a few recommended solutions to that can be beneficial in the battle to stop snoring:
Adjust Your Sleep Position: Try not to sleep or lie on your back. Whenever possible, support your body with a pillow when you sleep. You might want to experiment by using two pillows (stacked, one on top of the other) rather than just one.
Reduce Alcohol Consumption: Eliminate or reduce your consumption of alcohol, especially right before bedtime.
Stop Smoking: Smoking is not only something that can cause snoring but it’s also bad for your health. We know we’re not the first to tell you this, but stop smoking!
Lose Excess Weight: If you are obese, shedding some weight can be an excellent and effective solution to your snoring problems.
Practice Good Sleep Hygiene: Individuals are advised to sleep for 7-8 hours daily. Ensure that you practice good sleep hygiene. Your body deserves as much rest/sleep as possible.
Open Nasal Passages: Your nasal passages can become narrow due to mucus, a blocked nose, or even a cold. Take a warm bath before going to bed and blow your nose. This will help open up your nasal passages and make it easier to breathe.
Clean Your Pillows Regularly: Your pillows harbor all sorts of dirt, allergens, and dust mites. This contamination can cause an allergies or side-effects that result in snoring. Ensure that you clean your pillows regularly.
Stay Well-Hydrated: Dehydration can cause snoring. Be sure to drink plenty of water and fluids to stay properly hydrated before going to bed.
Surgery for Mouth Anatomy: If you are born with a soft palate, large uvula, tonsils, or adenoids and suffer from heavy snoring, you can consult with a physician. A surgical procedure may be available that can offer permanent relief.
Use a stop snoring mouthpiece: You might have tried everything imaginable, from not drinking alcohol before bed to using extra pillows, and you (or those around you) are still suffering. If this is the case, you should consider a more specialized and effective solution such as an anti-snoring mouthpiece. These devices are specifically designed to help you stop snoring.
CPAP: Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is a common treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. A CPAP machine uses a hose and mask or nosepiece to deliver constant and steady air pressure.
The first remedy my spouse and I tried was for her to wear ear plugs. They helped but they were not enough. After the ear plugs a scheduled an appointment to get a sleep study done but it was going to take a month, so I decided to try a stop snoring mouthpiece. The first one I tried was called Zquiet. It’s a mouthpiece designed to keep your lower jaw out past your upper jaw, which keeps your airway open so that you don’t snore. It comes in two sizes. I tried the smaller size that only pulls your jaw out a little way first and I was still snoring. I was skeptical, but I tried the second size mouthpiece which holds your lower jaw out farther and it worked!
My wife and I were so relieved that I wasn’t snoring. We were both getting enough sleep again. This was I simple fix for us. If I were you, I would start with the possible solutions that are simple and can be done at home. If none of them work, then find the closest sleep clinic and get a sleep study done.