Newborn Baby Snoring? How to Stop it the Easy Way

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newborn snoring

When you are a new parent, there are so many things lined up for you to worry about. You’ve got to sort out your baby’s feeding schedule, the right diapers to wear, sleepless nights, and of course the constant crying.

Did you ever think snoring would be among the things you’d have to worry about? I didn’t think so either.

Believe it or not, it isn’t uncommon for babies to snore. In fact, it’s really just a part of early growth.

So, if your baby snores and you don’t know what to do, don’t worry, I’m here to help!

In this article, I’ll be giving you useful tips on how to stop baby snoring. I’ll also chip in some extra information along the line.

Keep reading!

What Causes Baby Snoring?

I understand why you’d be worried when you hear your baby snore. You can relax, most times it’s not an indication of a serious problem.

Here are the two main causes of baby snoring –

  • Nasal congestion
  • Sleeping position

Nasal Congestion

baby snoring

According to medical findings, newborns snore mainly because they have underdeveloped nasal passages.

These tiny passages are not wide enough to allow a free flow of all the mucus a baby produces. The extra mucus left in their noses can cause blockages which leads to snoring.

So basically, baby snoring is mainly caused by a simple, stuffy nose!

Once again, you’ve really got nothing to worry about. As they grow, their nasal passages will widen and their neck & throat muscles will become stronger. Hence, the snoring will reduce, and eventually stop.

Your Baby’s Sleeping Position

Just like adults, a baby’s sleeping position could play a major role in their snoring habits.

When babies sleep on their stomach or back, they are more prone to snoring. As opposed to side-sleeping.

So the big question is – can babies sleep on their sides? The answer to this is a big NO!

Babies are not meant to sleep on their sides, as studies have shown that this could be very dangerous to them!

If you find your baby sleeping on their side, then you have to quickly re-adjust their position. The recommended sleeping position for babies is on their backs. Yeah, it causes them to snore, but you’ve just got to deal with it.

snoring newborn

Tips To Stop Baby Snoring

Baby snoring could disturb your good night’s rest (which you may not be getting much of with a newborn around).

So, how to stop baby snoring?

Well, there are a few things you could do to help reduce or stop the snoring. Before you do, be advised to check with your pediatrician first.

Check out these tips below!

1. Use Nasal Spray

This is a great, safe way for you to open up your baby’s congested nasal passages. However, be sure to get your pediatrician’s approval before you use it on your newborn.

Also, I recommend you buy over-the-counter, infant approved nasal sprays. Most pharmacies should have it. This is a much better idea than using home-made nasal sprays, mainly because of the risk of using contaminated water.

All you need is 2 or 3 drops of the saline solution into your baby’s nose (once a day).

They may not like it at first, but trust me, it will help them breathe better, which in-turn will help your baby (and you) sleep better.

2. Use A Nasal Aspirator

A nasal aspirator doesn’t work the same way as a nasal spray. The spray loosens up the excess mucus, while the aspirator sucks it out from your baby’s nose.

I know what you’re thinking, gross stuff right? Well, almost everything with babies are gross, aren’t they?. Are you forgetting the poop and drools? Lol.

The good news is, aspirators work very well. They clear out your baby’s airways and ensure better breathing!

3. Humidify Your Baby’s Room

If you’ve got central heating, then you most likely have dry air in your home.

When your baby’s nose is blocked, you can use a warm mist vaporizer or humidifier to help humidify the air. This will go a long way in reducing your baby’s snoring.

Another great tip for loosening up nasal mucus is to give your baby a warm bath. This will also help your baby sleep a lot better, you too!

What To Do When Baby Snoring Is More Serious

There may be a few cases where your baby’s snoring refuses to cease, even after trying out a few of the above mentioned tips.

A few causes for this include –

  • Nose or airway abnormality
  • Enlarged tonsils or adenoids
  • Underdeveloped cartilage

In cases like these, your baby’s breathing through the trachea and larynx can cause a type of breathing called “stridor”.

Stridor is basically a harsh sounding, hard gasping, high pitched breathing sound.

This type of excessive snoring is a clear sign of a sleeping disorder, which could cause long term problems for the child.

According to a study by Karen Bonuck at the Albert Einstein College Of Medicine, excessive baby snoring can lead to developmental problems in the prefrontal cortex. These can in the long run, lead to hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, and conduct disorders.

According to her – “Sleep is a time to restore the brain’s cellular and chemical homeostasis”.

She also said – “When sleep is disordered, the brain receives less oxygen than it needs, and may get more carbon dioxide than it needs”.

If you ever notice excessive snoring habits from your newborn, be sure to consult with your pediatrician immediately.

A useful tip is this – You can record your baby’s snoring sounds when asleep and play it to the pediatrician. Just so the pediatrician knows exactly what they are dealing with. You can use your smartphone for that.

Pediatricians and sleep consultants are in the best positions to give you advice!


baby snoring

The first thing you need to know is that baby snoring is perfectly normal, so there’s no need to panic.

Secondly, the tips I’ve recommended can go a long way in helping you solve the problem.

Lastly, consult with your pediatrician before you make any decisions on your own!

I hope this article on how to stop baby snoring has been of great help.

If you’ve got experience dealing with baby snoring in the past, then kindly tell us how you handled it. Any extra tips will be appreciated. The comment section is all yours.

Thanks & good luck!