I didn’t get married until I was 35, so I didn’t realize my snoring was a problem until then. My wife was getting frustrated because we both worked, and she wasn’t getting enough sleep. I was getting frustrated because she would elbow me in the side at night and wake me up. We had a happy marriage at the time, but my snoring was causing some unnecessary bad feelings toward each other.

I wasn’t sure what to do. I didn’t really want to miss work, but I figured I needed to go to a sleep specialist and maybe they could do something to stop my snoring. Before I went to the sleep specialist, my wife and I were watching a commercial about a stop snoring mouthpiece. The commercial claimed that the stop snoring mouthpiece stopped snoring and it came with a 30-day free trial, so I figured what do I have to lose? The mouthpiece called Zquiet worked so well that I decided to try more stop snoring products to find the best one. The latest product I tried that I’m writing about here is called Theravent snore therapy strips.
My Experience With Theravent Snore Therapy Strips
I’m here to help you so I don’t really want to beat around the bush. I used theravent snore therapy strips and they just plain didn’t work for me. I am the type of person who snores through my throat and mouth though so usually a mandibular advancement device is what works best for that. A mandibular advancement device is usually a mouthpiece that keeps your lower jaw past your upper jaw while you are sleeping. This keeps your airway open while you sleep so that you don’t snore. I’ll talk more about that later but for now watch this video I made on my experience with theravent snore therapy stips:
So as you can see theravent snore therapy strips didn’t work for me personally. I didn’t need to ‘get used to the product’ as their website claims because I was comfortable and fell asleep right away.
However, based on my experience with stop snoring products, theravent strips are designed for people who snore through their nose. These people usually have a unique issue like a deviated septum or any sort of nasal issue. If you do have a nasal issue, just try theravent snore therapy strips for a week and if the product doesn’t work for you just return it and get a refund. If you don’t have a nasal issue (your just the average run of the mill snorer that snores out your mouth) I recommend that you keep trying mandibular advancement devices(mouthpieces). I can save you a lot of time and recommend Zquiet because it is what I use. Watch my live proof here…
What Does Theravent Believe and Claim About Their Snore Therapy Strips?
This is what Theravent’s website says about how the product works,
” Snoring starts when the muscles that surround your throat relax during sleep. This narrows your airway, triggering vibrations that cause snoring.
Theravent is the first and only FDA-approved device to use EPAP technology (Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure). Patented MicroValves in each strip help regulate airflow to create gentle pressure in your airway, keeping it open to reduce vibration.

- When you inhale, the MicroValves open, and air flows freely.
- Then as you breathe out, the MicroValves partially close, slowing down your exhale and creating positive pressure in your throat.
- This pressure opens your airway to quiet the vibrations and silence snoring.”
The Theravent website goes on to explain how important it is to apply the strips properly. The website states, “Theravent needs a seal to work, and making one is up to you. So, take your time.
- First, wash and dry your face.
- Then grab your Theravent strip and remove the back.
- Center it over your nostrils.
- Press down and wrap around your nostrils to form a seal.
- Cover the small hole in the center of the strip, and exhale to test if the seal is tight.
- Done! You’re ready to say goodnight to snoring.”
Even after you have the product applied correctly, the Theravent website still goes on to claim,
“Just like hitting the gym once doesn’t make you buff, Theravent isn’t a one-night wonder — you must keep at it, and it may feel a little uncomfortable at first. But here’s where you must dig deep, because it will get better, and Theravent really does work.
When you first apply it, you’re going to feel the resistance as you breathe out. That means you’ve made a good seal and Theravent is doing its job. It gets easier every night, and it will become second nature.
The most important advice successful Theravent users give is to stick with it. It typically takes 3 to 5 nights to get comfortable with the resistance. The people who get results keep trying until they master it. With patience, you’ll take control of your snoring.”

Theravent Pros:
- Non-Invasive. More comfortable than having something like a mandibular advancement mouthpiece in your mouth.
- Theravent might work for you if other types of anti-snoring devices didn’t .
- Easy to find. Theravent is available in a lot of stores(I bought mine at Walmart) and Amazon.
- Non-prescription and you don’t have to take medication.
- 30-day money back guarantee.
Theravent Cons:
- Theravent didn’t work for me but online reviews/studies show that it does work for some people.
- Theravent can be rather expensive since they are disposable strips.
- Theravent goes over your nose so you may not be able to use it with allergies or a nasal issue.
- Theravent may not stay on your nose during the night.
- Theravent is an adhesive so it can be a bit uncomfortable to take it off each morning.
- The website says it takes a week to get used to.
- Theravent only works for nasal snoring.

I’ve determined from trying so many stop snoring products that what works for one person may not work for another. Snoring is a serious problem though that can cause several issues like:
- Excessive daytime drowsiness, or waking up not feeling rested
- Morning headaches
- Recent weight gain
- High blood pressure
- Chest pain at night
- Decreased ability to concentrate or memory loss
- Observed pauses in breathing at night
- Waking up gasping for breath
I know from my own personal experience how frustrating snoring can be for you and your partner. Please don’t despair. I’ve saved you a lot of time and money by trying all of these products myself. Theravent didn’t work for me but the Zquiet mouthpiece did. It is an MAD or mandibular advancement device. If you are going to try a mouthpiece I recommend this one first as you can see from my video above. If Zquiet doesn’t work then I would recommend something else like theravent snore therapy strips but please start with Zquiet first. You just need to find what is right for you and remember these products all have a trial period so you can get your money back…